He is:
- Able to save to the uttermost
- Able to succor them that are tempted
- Adam, Last
- Adam, New
- Adam, Second
- Advocate with the Father
- Almighty
- Alpha
- Alpha and Omega
- Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending
- Amen
- Angels, authorities, and powers being made subject to him
- Apostle and High Priest of our profession
- Appears in the presence of God for us
- Author and finisher of our faith
- Author of eternal salvation
- Bare our sins in his own body
- Beginning
- Beginning of the creation of God
- Beloved Son
- Beloved Son of God
- Better than the angels
- Blessed for evermore
- Blessed of God
- Branch
- Bread of Life
- Bread of life
- Bright and morning star
- By himself purged our sins
- By whom are all things, and we by him
- By whom God made the worlds
- Captain of man’s salvation
- Chosen One
- Christ
- Consecrated for evermore
- Counselor
- Crowned with glory and honor
- Did no sin
- Elect One
- Emmanuel
- Ever liveth to make intercession
- Everlasting Father
- Faithful and True
- Foundation of the Church
- God manifest in the flesh
- God the Son
- God’s anointed
- God’s holy child Jesus
- Good Shepherd
- Governor who shall rule Israel
- Harmless
- Hath an unchangeable priesthood
- Hath given us understanding that we may know him that is true
- Hath obtained eternal redemption for us
- He hath consecrated a new and living way
- He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified
- He sanctifieth the people by his blood
- He that came by water and blood
- He that cometh in the name of the Lord
- He that hath the key of David
- He that is holy
- He that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David
- He that is true
- He that liveth and was dead
- He that liveth forever and ever
- Heir of all things
- His blood cleanseth from all sin
- Holy
- Holy One
- Holy One of Israel
- Holy, harmless, undefiled,
- I am
- I Am that I Am
- In him is eternal life
- In whom is salvation
- Is ready to judge the quick and the dead
- Jehovah
- Jesus
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus of Galilee
- Jesus of Nazareth
- Jesus the Christ
- Joseph’s son
- Judge of quick and dead
- King of Israel
- King of kings
- King of kings, and Lord of lords
- King of Sion
- King of the Jews
- King of Zion
- Lamb of God
- Learned obedience by the things which he suffered
- Left us an example
- Light of the World
- Living Water
- Logos (the Word)
- Lord
- Lord both of dead and living
- Lord of all
- Lord of lords
- Lord of the Sabbath
- Made higher than the heavens
- Made lower than the angels for the suffering of death
- Made of a woman
- Made of a woman, made under the law
- Made under the law
- Master
- Mediator
- Mediator of a better covenant
- Mediator of the new testament
- Meek and lowly
- Messiah
- Mighty God
- Mighty One of Jacob
- Nazarene
- Not yea and nay, but in him was yea
- Of the seed of David
- Offered himself without spot
- Omega
- One body
- One with the Father
- Only begotten of the Father
- Only Begotten Son
- Our advocate with the Father
- Our advocate with the Father
- Our life
- Our Paraclete (Advocate) with the Father
- Our Passover
- Our peace
- Our Savior
- Prince of Peace
- Prophet
- Propitiation for the sins of the whole world
- Put away sin by the sacrifice of himself
- Rabbi
- Rabboni
- Redeemer
- Redemption
- Redemption
- Righteousness
- Root and offspring of David
- Sanctification
- Savior of Israel
- Savior of the World
- Seed of the woman
- Sent that we may live through him
- Separate from sinners
- Servant of the LORD
- Shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation
- Shepherd of Israel
- Shiloh
- Son of David
- Son of GOD
- Son of Man
- Son of the Highest
- Son the Most High GOD
- Stem of Jesse
- Suffered for us
- Suffered without the gate
- Surety of a better testament
- Tasted death for every man
- Tempted in all points as we are
- The brightness of God’s glory
- The carpenter
- The carpenter’s son
- The chief cornerstone
- The chosen of God
- The Christ of God
- The consolation of Israel
- The deliverer
- The door of the sheep
- The end of the law for righteousness
- The ending
- The express image of God’s person
- The faithful witness
- The first and the last
- The first begotten
- The first begotten of the dead
- The first fruits of them that slept
- The forerunner
- The good shepherd
- The great God
- The great shepherd of the sheep
- The head of every man
- The head of the Church
- The High Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec
- The high priest of good things to come
- The Holy One
- The Holy One and the Just
- The hope of glory
- The image of God
- The Just
- The Just One
- The King that cometh in the name of the Lord
- The Lamb
- The Lamb of God
- The lamb without blemish and without spot
- The life
- The Light
- The Light
- The light of the world
- The Lion of the tribe of Judah
- The living bread
- The living stone, disallowed of men, but chosen of God and precious
- The Lord
- The Lord from heaven
- The Lord Jesus
- The Lord of glory
- The Lord our Righteousness
- The LORD’S Christ
- The mediator between God and men
- The merciful and faithful high priest
- The Messenger of the covenant
- The Messiah
- The Messias
- The minister of the circumcision for the truth of God
- The minister of the sanctuary of the true tabernacle
- The offering and sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor
- The only wise God our Savior
- The power of GOD
- The power of GOD and the wisdom of GOD
- The Prince
- The Prince of Life
- The prince of the kings of the earth
- The Prophet
- The Prophet
- The prophet of Nazareth
- The propitiation for our sins
- The propitiation through faith
- The Resurrection
- The resurrection and the life
- The righteous judge
- The righteous man
- The root of David
- The same forever
- The same today
- The same yesterday
- The same yesterday, today, and forever
- The Savior
- The Savior of the body
- The Savior of the world
- The seed of Abraham
- The shepherd and bishop of souls
- The son of Abraham
- The son of David
- The son of Mary
- The Son of the Blessed
- The Son of the living God
- The spiritual rock
- The teacher come from God
- The true vine
- The truth
- The vine
- The way
- The way, the truth, and the life
- The wisdom of God
- The Word
- The word of God
- The word of life
- True and Faithful
- Undefiled
- Upholding all things by the word of his power
- Which delivereth us from the wrath to come
- Which is, and which was, and which is to come
- Who came into the world to save sinners
- Who died and rose again
- Who gave himself for our sins
- Who gave himself for us
- Who is passed into the heavens
- Who knew no sin
- Who shall judge the quick and dead
- Who sitteth on the right hand of God
- Who was raised from the dead
- Wisdom
- Wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption unto us
- Wonderful
- Worthy of more glory than Abraham
- Worthy of more glory than Moses
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Come join The “Restored” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today to be spiritually strong and able to cope with the increasing weather, financial, war, crime, and other social difficulties.
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Come to Jesus and join His true Church today.
I invite you to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the true Church of Jesus Christ, “RESTORED” vai the PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH and modern apostles and prophets, with true priesthood authority and true priesthood keys restored by heavenly messengers.
- Call 1-801-240-1000 to talk to missionaries;
- Contact missionaries at their Come Unto Christ website: Visit
- They will teach you the true gospel of Jesus Christ in person, by zoom, by phone, by email, or text. They will teach you about Christ’s True Church and His Second Coming.
- They will help you
- – pray and repent of your sins,
- – read the scriptures – the Holy Bible, the Holy Book of Mormon which is a second witness, a second Bible from peoples who lived in the western hemisphere, a second witness that Jesus is the Resurrected Living Christ, Yeshua, the Holy Messiah.
- – attend Church, be baptized by immersion, be confirmed a member of the Church, and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and fellowship with the Saints.
- Watch on YouTube the semi-annual April and October conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during which living apostles and prophets and other Church leaders teach the pure gospel and bear testimony of Jesus the Living Christ and the restoration of His divine Church;
- Search Google; use the FREE LIBRARY to study in many languages the holy scriptures, the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and talks by living apostles and prophets.
- Pray about what you have learned. Pray and ask Heavenly Father if these things are not true. Pray to receive the great gift of Charity, the Pure Love of Christ, without which we are nothing. Ask the missionaries to help you Join the Church today with your family and friends and neighbors.
- If you are a leader of a group of spiritual people, a group of wonderful people searching for the true Church of Jesus Christ, testify to them. Bear witness that you have found the “Restored” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; that you want to become or are becoming a faithful member; thereby encourage them to join Christ’s true church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, thereby bring your many followers with you.
- Best personal regards, Richard Linford, member
Published by
I work at being a good husband, dad, grandpa, neighbor, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, attorney at law, writer, and artist. My witness to the world is that Jesus is The Christ, Yeshua, The Resurrected Holy Messiah, who will soon come in power and great glory to judge the world and begin his thousand year Millennial Reign of peace. View all posts by jesusi6_wp
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