The Resurrected Perfect Jesus Christ is Able.

Jesus is the Christ, Yeshua, The Holy Messiah who soon will come in power and great glory.


  1. Christ is “Able … to save [us] to the uttermost [if we] come unto [God the Father] by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for [us].” (Hebrews 7:25)  He is “Able to do all things according to his will, for [us], if it so be that [we] exercise faith in him …”.  (1 Nephi 7:12) “For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is Able to succour [we who] are tempted.” (Hebrews 2:18)
  2. “Our God [Jehovah] whom we serve is Able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace” and from the lions. (Daniel 3:17; 3; 6) As he has “promised, he [is] Able also to perform.”  (Romans 4:21)
  3. Our “God is Able to make all grace abound toward [us].” (2 Corinthians 9:8) Jesus Christ “is Able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”(Ephesians 3:20, 21)
  4. “For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is Able even to subdue all things unto himself.” (Philippians 3:20-21)  
  5. He is “the Lord [who] is Able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him.  Wherefore, let us be faithful to him.” (1 Nephi 7:12)
  6. For He said: “I am Able to do mine own work.” (2 Nephi 27:20)   Indeed, He “is Able to keep [us] from falling, and to present [us] faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” (Jude 1:24-25) Through our repentance, he is Able to lift us up when we fall. 
  7. “Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is Able to save your souls” (James 1:21) both temporally and spiritually.
  8. The Father and The Holy Ghost are also Able.

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He was Resurrected. You will be Resurrected. I invite you to study the gospel with the missionaries, to attend a Sabbath day Church service near you, to learn to love Jesus the Christ the Holy Messiah more deeply, to be baptized by immersion for the remission of your sins, to receive The Gift of the Holy Ghost, and to be confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Richard Linford

(P.S. You can contact me if you want to at and I will help you meet with these wonderful missionaries and attend Church and learn about Jesus.

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He is your Resurrection and Eternal Life.

“And this is life eternal, that they may know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3)

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I know you will gain peace and joy by meeting with two wonderful missionaries in person or online such as by Zoom or GotoMeeting or Facetime to study the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Missionaries would love to meet with you in person or online and answer any of your questions.

And if Missionaries meet with you in person, most of these missionaries are young people ages 18 or 19 or close, they come bearing gifts!

If you’d like free copies of the Book of Mormon or the Bible, they’d be happy to bring one or both when they come. 

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Back to the subject of the Resurrection – here are scriptures for your consideration.

  • he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up, 1 Sam. 2:6.
  • If a man die, shall he live again, Job 14:14.
  • destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Job 19:26 (Moses 5:10).
  • swallow up death in victory, Isa. 25:8.
  • together with my dead body shall they ariseIsa. 26:19.
  • I will open your graves, and cause you to come up, Ezek. 37:12.
  • sleep in the dust of the earth shall awakeDan. 12:2.
  • ransom them from the power of the graveHosea 13:14.
  • then shall all the dead awakeD&C 29:26.
  • he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, D&C 29:43.
  • shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, D&C 43:32 (101:31).
  • they that knew no law shall have part in the first resurrectionD&C 45:54.
  • rise from the dead and shall not die after, D&C 63:49.
  • have slept in their graves shall come forth, D&C 88:97.
  • spirit and element, inseparably connectedD&C 93:33.
  • Angels, who are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones, D&C 129:1.
  • intelligence … will rise with us in the resurrectionD&C 130:18.
  • graves of the saints shall be openedD&C 133:56.
  • departed the mortal life, firm in the hope of a glorious resurrectionD&C 138:14.
  • dry bones, which were to be clothed upon with flesh, D&C 138:43.
  • bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, Moses 1:39.

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Love your enemies. I invite you to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Jesus is The Christ, the Holy Messiah.

  1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,
  2. often informally known as the LDS Church
  3. or the Mormon Church,
  4. is a nontrinitarian,
  5. Christian
  6. restorationist
  7. church
  8. that is the restored original church
  9. founded by Jesus Christ
  10. built upon a foundation of living apostles,
  11. prophets, seers, and revelators,
  12. Christ being the Chief cornerstone, and
  13. Our Heavenly Father being the Chief capstone. 
  14. The Father has a glorified resurrected body
  15. of flesh and bones
  16. as tangible as man’s,
  17. the Son also.
  18. The Holy Ghost is a man with a spirit body
  19. who bears witness of the Father and the Son.
  20. The Father and the Son appeared to The Prophet Joseph Smith
  21. and commissioned him as the Great Prophet of the Restoration
  22. through whom was revealed the Book of Mormon and
  23. sacred revelations, keys, covenants and authorities,
  24. including priesthood power to baptize by immersion,
  25. to lay on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost,
  26. to confer the priesthood authority on worthy men,
  27. to seal husband and wife and children together for eternity,
  28. providing vicarious baptism and other sacred ordinances
  29. for ancestors,
  30. thus restoring the original Church of Jesus Christ.
  31. I invite you to read The Book of Mormon,
  32. which is a second witness that Jesus is the Christ,
  33. and physical and spiritual proof Joseph Smith was
  34. the great Prophet as claimed.
  35. I invite you to contact the Church and study the gospel of Christ
  36. such that you have faith in Christ,
  37. repent of your sins and are baptized by one having proper priesthood.
  38. A free copy of the Book of Mormon is available at under the heading scriptures.
  39. You can contact the Church
  40. and arrange for two missionaries
  41. to teach you and help you attend Church and be baptized
  42. by calling 1-801-240-1000.
  43. We honor and love you.
  44. Please let me Richard Linford know when you are baptized
  45. at

Hits: 335

Do Good to those who hurt you. Jesus is the Resurrected Living Christ Messiah Yeshua. His resurrection was glorious. All will receive a resurrection. The Father has a glorified, perfect, resurrected body as tangible as man’s. The Son has a glorified, perfect, resurrected body as tangible as man’s. I invite you to contact the missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and learn the gospel and be baptized.
  1. Jesus is The Resurrected Living Christ Messiah Yeshua. His Resurrection was glorious. All will receive a resurrection.
  2. See also Atone, AtonementBodyDeath, PhysicalImmortal, ImmortalityJesus ChristSpirit
  3. The reuniting of the spirit body with the physical body of flesh and bones after death.
  4. After resurrection, the spirit and body will never again be separated,
  5. and the person will become immortal.
  6. Every person born on earth will be resurrected because Jesus Christ overcame death (1 Cor. 15:20–22).
  7. Jesus Christ was the first person to be resurrected on this earth (Acts 26:23Col. 1:18Rev. 1:5).
  8. The New Testament gives ample evidence that Jesus rose with His physical body:
  9. His tomb was empty,
  10. He ate fish and honey,
  11. He had a body of flesh and bones,
  12. people touched Him,
  13. and the angels said He had risen (Mark 16:1–6Luke 24:1–12, 36–43John 20:1–18).
  14. Latter-day revelation confirms the reality of the Resurrection of Christ
  15. and of all mankind (Alma 11:40–45403 Ne. 11:1–17D&C 76Moses 7:62).
  16. All people will not be resurrected to the same glory (1 Cor. 15:39–42D&C 76:89–98),
  17. nor will all be resurrected at the same time (1 Cor. 15:22–23Alma 40:8D&C 76:64–65, 8588:96–102).
  18. Many Saints were resurrected after Christ’s Resurrection (Matt. 27:52).
  19. The righteous will be resurrected before the wicked
  20. and will come forth in the First Resurrection (1 Thes. 4:16);
  21. the unrepentant sinners will come forth in the last resurrection (Rev. 20:5–13D&C 76:85).
  22. Though this body be destroyed,
  23. yet in my flesh shall I see God, Job 19:26 (Moses 5:10).
  24. I will open your graves, and cause you to come up, Ezek. 37:12.
  25. Graves were opened, and many bodies arose, Matt. 27:52–53 (3 Ne. 23:9).
  26. The Lord is risen, Luke 24:34.
  27. A spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have, Luke 24:39.
  28. I am the resurrection
  29. and the life, John 11:25.
  30. The Twelve Apostles taught that Jesus had risen, Acts 1:21–22 (Acts 2:323:154:33).
  31. In Christ shall all be made alive, 1 Cor. 15:1–22.
  32. The dead in Christ shall rise first, 1 Thes. 4:16.
  33. Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection, Rev. 20:6.
  34. Christ layeth down his life
  35. and taketh it again
  36. that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, 2 Ne. 2:8 (Mosiah 13:3515:20Alma 33:2240:3Hel. 14:15).
  37. Without resurrection,
  38. we would become subject to Satan, 2 Ne. 9:6–9.
  39. Resurrection will pass upon all men, 2 Ne. 9:22.
  40. The Book of Mormon prophet Abinadi taught about the first resurrection, Mosiah 15:21–26.
  41. The wicked remain as though there had been no redemption,
  42. except for the loosing of the bands of death, Alma 11:41–45.
  43. Alma explained the state of souls between death and resurrection, Alma 40:6, 11–24.
  44. At the Lord’s coming,
  45. the dead which died in Christ will come forth, D&C 29:13 (D&C 45:45–4688:97–98133:56).
  46. Weep especially for those who have not hope of a glorious resurrection, D&C 42:45.
  47. They that knew no law shall have part in this first resurrection, D&C 45:54.
  48. They shall rise from the dead and shall not die after, D&C 63:49.
  49. The resurrection from the dead is the redemption of the soul, D&C 88:14–16.
  50. Spirit and element, inseparably connected, receive a fulness of joy, D&C 93:33.
  51. Angels who are resurrected beings have bodies of flesh and bones, D&C 129:1.
  52. Whatsoever intelligence we attain in this life will rise with us in the resurrection, D&C 130:18–19

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Be kind to those who do or say unkind things. Jesus of Nazareth is Yeshua the Resurrected Living Christ.

Jesus of Nazaareth is Yeshua the Resurrected Living Christ who soon will come in power and great glory to cleanse the earth of sin and rule as KING of Kings and LORD of Lords so repent of your sins, pray to the Father in the holy name of Jesus, learn of Him by studying the scriptures, and keep His commandments to Love God with all your heart, might, mind and strength and to love your neighbor as you love yourself.

Hits: 259