He is:
- Able to save to the uttermost
- Able to succor them that are tempted
- Adam, Last
- Adam, New
- Adam, Second
- Advocate with the Father
- Almighty
- Alpha
- Alpha and Omega
- Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending
- Amen
- Angels, authorities, and powers being made subject to him
- Apostle and High Priest of our profession
- Appears in the presence of God for us
- Author and finisher of our faith
- Author of eternal salvation
- Bare our sins in his own body
- Beginning
- Beginning of the creation of God
- Beloved Son
- Beloved Son of God
- Better than the angels
- Blessed for evermore
- Blessed of God
- Branch
- Bread of Life
- Bread of life
- Bright and morning star
- By himself purged our sins
- By whom are all things, and we by him
- By whom God made the worlds
- Captain of man’s salvation
- Chosen One
- Christ
- Consecrated for evermore
- Counselor
- Crowned with glory and honor
- Did no sin
- Elect One
- Emmanuel
- Ever liveth to make intercession
- Everlasting Father
- Faithful and True
- Foundation of the Church
- God manifest in the flesh
- God the Son
- God’s anointed
- God’s holy child Jesus
- Good Shepherd
- Governor who shall rule Israel
- Harmless
- Hath an unchangeable priesthood
- Hath given us understanding that we may know him that is true
- Hath obtained eternal redemption for us
- He hath consecrated a new and living way
- He hath perfected forever them that are sanctified
- He sanctifieth the people by his blood
- He that came by water and blood
- He that cometh in the name of the Lord
- He that hath the key of David
- He that is holy
- He that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David
- He that is true
- He that liveth and was dead
- He that liveth forever and ever
- Heir of all things
- His blood cleanseth from all sin
- Holy
- Holy One
- Holy One of Israel
- Holy, harmless, undefiled,
- I am
- I Am that I Am
- In him is eternal life
- In whom is salvation
- Is ready to judge the quick and the dead
- Jehovah
- Jesus
- Jesus Christ
- Jesus of Galilee
- Jesus of Nazareth
- Jesus the Christ
- Joseph’s son
- Judge of quick and dead
- King of Israel
- King of kings
- King of kings, and Lord of lords
- King of Sion
- King of the Jews
- King of Zion
- Lamb of God
- Learned obedience by the things which he suffered
- Left us an example
- Light of the World
- Living Water
- Logos (the Word)
- Lord
- Lord both of dead and living
- Lord of all
- Lord of lords
- Lord of the Sabbath
- Made higher than the heavens
- Made lower than the angels for the suffering of death
- Made of a woman
- Made of a woman, made under the law
- Made under the law
- Master
- Mediator
- Mediator of a better covenant
- Mediator of the new testament
- Meek and lowly
- Messiah
- Mighty God
- Mighty One of Jacob
- Nazarene
- Not yea and nay, but in him was yea
- Of the seed of David
- Offered himself without spot
- Omega
- One body
- One with the Father
- Only begotten of the Father
- Only Begotten Son
- Our advocate with the Father
- Our advocate with the Father
- Our life
- Our Paraclete (Advocate) with the Father
- Our Passover
- Our peace
- Our Savior
- Prince of Peace
- Prophet
- Propitiation for the sins of the whole world
- Put away sin by the sacrifice of himself
- Rabbi
- Rabboni
- Redeemer
- Redemption
- Redemption
- Righteousness
- Root and offspring of David
- Sanctification
- Savior of Israel
- Savior of the World
- Seed of the woman
- Sent that we may live through him
- Separate from sinners
- Servant of the LORD
- Shall appear the second time without sin unto salvation
- Shepherd of Israel
- Shiloh
- Son of David
- Son of GOD
- Son of Man
- Son of the Highest
- Son the Most High GOD
- Stem of Jesse
- Suffered for us
- Suffered without the gate
- Surety of a better testament
- Tasted death for every man
- Tempted in all points as we are
- The brightness of God’s glory
- The carpenter
- The carpenter’s son
- The chief cornerstone
- The chosen of God
- The Christ of God
- The consolation of Israel
- The deliverer
- The door of the sheep
- The end of the law for righteousness
- The ending
- The express image of God’s person
- The faithful witness
- The first and the last
- The first begotten
- The first begotten of the dead
- The first fruits of them that slept
- The forerunner
- The good shepherd
- The great God
- The great shepherd of the sheep
- The head of every man
- The head of the Church
- The High Priest for ever after the order of Melchisedec
- The high priest of good things to come
- The Holy One
- The Holy One and the Just
- The hope of glory
- The image of God
- The Just
- The Just One
- The King that cometh in the name of the Lord
- The Lamb
- The Lamb of God
- The lamb without blemish and without spot
- The life
- The Light
- The Light
- The light of the world
- The Lion of the tribe of Judah
- The living bread
- The living stone, disallowed of men, but chosen of God and precious
- The Lord
- The Lord from heaven
- The Lord Jesus
- The Lord of glory
- The Lord our Righteousness
- The LORD’S Christ
- The mediator between God and men
- The merciful and faithful high priest
- The Messenger of the covenant
- The Messiah
- The Messias
- The minister of the circumcision for the truth of God
- The minister of the sanctuary of the true tabernacle
- The offering and sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savor
- The only wise God our Savior
- The power of GOD
- The power of GOD and the wisdom of GOD
- The Prince
- The Prince of Life
- The prince of the kings of the earth
- The Prophet
- The Prophet
- The prophet of Nazareth
- The propitiation for our sins
- The propitiation through faith
- The Resurrection
- The resurrection and the life
- The righteous judge
- The righteous man
- The root of David
- The same forever
- The same today
- The same yesterday
- The same yesterday, today, and forever
- The Savior
- The Savior of the body
- The Savior of the world
- The seed of Abraham
- The shepherd and bishop of souls
- The son of Abraham
- The son of David
- The son of Mary
- The Son of the Blessed
- The Son of the living God
- The spiritual rock
- The teacher come from God
- The true vine
- The truth
- The vine
- The way
- The way, the truth, and the life
- The wisdom of God
- The Word
- The word of God
- The word of life
- True and Faithful
- Undefiled
- Upholding all things by the word of his power
- Which delivereth us from the wrath to come
- Which is, and which was, and which is to come
- Who came into the world to save sinners
- Who died and rose again
- Who gave himself for our sins
- Who gave himself for us
- Who is passed into the heavens
- Who knew no sin
- Who shall judge the quick and dead
- Who sitteth on the right hand of God
- Who was raised from the dead
- Wisdom
- Wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption unto us
- Wonderful
- Worthy of more glory than Abraham
- Worthy of more glory than Moses
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