Come join His Restored true Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

He is:

Advocate with the Father,
Almighty God,
Alpha and Omega,
Author and Finisher of Our Faith,
Beloved Son of God,
Bishop of Our Souls,
Bread of Life,
Bright and Morning Star,
Chief Cornerstone,

Fountain of Living Water,
Good Shepherd,
Head of the Church,
High Priest,
Holy One of Israel,
I Am,
Jesus is the Christ,
Jesus is the Living Christ,
King of Israel,
King of Kings,
King of the Jews,
Lamb of God,
Lion of the Tribe of Judah,
Living Water,
Only Begotten Son,
Son of God,
Son of Man,
Son the Living God,
The Almighty,
The Bright and Morning Star,
The Everlasting Father,
The Lion of the Tribe of Judah,
The Life,
The Mighty God,
The Prince of Peace,
The Shepherd and Bishop of Souls,
The Truth,
The Way,
The Word,
The True Vine,

Are you searching for Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the true Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Alpha and Omega, The Prince of Peace who soon will come in power and great glory to cleanse the world of sin and corruption and introduce His thousand year Millennial Reign of Righteousness and Joy?

If so, you have come to the right place. To translate into your language click the red button below.

Painting COLLAGE by Richard W Linford

Heavenly Father lives. Jesus is the Resurrected Living Christ. Thru the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jesus restored His True Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints, built on a foundation of living apostles and prophets, WITH JESUS AS CHIEF CORNERSTONE. Come and BE BAPTIZED AND RECEIVE THE GIFT OF THE HOLY GHOST AND join Christ’s true Church today.


Repent and get ready for the imminent Second Coming of Jesus the Resurrected Living Christ, Yeshua, The Holy Messiah who soon will come in power and great glory to cleanse the world of wickedness and usher in his great Millennial reign.

To translate this into your language, click the red button below.


Think Jesus is the Living Christ, Yeshua, the Holy Messiah

To translate this into your language, click the red button below.

Repent and think Jesus is the Living Christ, Yeshua, the Holy Messiah who soon will come in power and glory to cleanse the earth of sin and corruption.

Click on Scriptures to access a FREE digital Bible and FREE digital Book of Mormon at

Come join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today to be spiritually strong and able to cope with the increasing weather, financial problems, war and social difficulties.

[To translate this into your language, Click the red button below.]

Come to Jesus and join His true Church today.

I invite you to become a member of the “RESTORED” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the true Church of Jesus Christ, with living apostles and prophets, true priesthood authority and true priesthood keys restored to living apostles and prophets by heavenly messengers.

  1. Call 1-801-240-1000 to talk to missionaries;
  2. Contact missionaries at their Come Unto Christ website: Visit
  3. They will teach you the true gospel of Jesus Christ in person, by zoom, by phone, by email, or text. They will teach you about Christ’s True Church and His IMMINENT Second Coming.
  4. They will help you
  5. – pray and repent of your sins,
  6. – read the scriptures – the Holy Bible, the Holy Book of Mormon which is a second witness, a second Bible from peoples who lived in the western hemisphere, a second witness that Jesus is the Resurrected Living Christ, and other scriptures;
  7. – attend Church, be baptized by immersion, be confirmed a member of the Church, and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and fellowship with the Saints.
  8. Watch on YouTube the semi-annual April and October conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during which apostles and prophets and other Church leaders teach the pure gospel and bear testimony of Jesus the Living Christ and the restoration of His divine Church;
  9. Search Google; use the FREE LIBRARY to study in many languages the holy scriptures, the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and talks by living apostles and prophets.
  10. Pray about what you have learned. Pray and ask Heavenly Father if these things are not true. Pray to receive the great gift of Charity, the Pure Love of Christ, without which we are nothing. Ask the missionaries to help you Join the Church today with your family and friends and neighbors.
  11. If you are a leader of a group of spiritual people, a group of wonderful people searching for the true Church of Jesus Christ, testify to them. Bear witness that you have found the “Restored” “TRUE” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; that you want to become or are becoming a faithful member; thereby encourage them to join Christ’s true church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, AND bring your many followers with you.
  12. Best personal regards, Richard Linford, member

Published by


I work at being a good husband, dad, grandpa, neighbor, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, attorney at law, writer, and artist. My witness to the world is that Joseph Smith was a great Prophet of God and there are living apostles and prophets on earth dotday, Jesus is The Christ, Yeshua, Jehovah, The Resurrected Holy Messiah, who will soon come to judge the world and begin his thousand year Millennial Reign of peace. Richard Linford. View all posts by jesusi6_wp 

Hits: 58

Come and worship the Father in the name of His Beloved Son Jesus the Living Christ.

Are you searching for Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Yeshua, the true Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Alpha and Omega, The Prince of Peace who soon will come in power and great glory to cleanse the world of sin and corruption and introduce His thousand year Millennial Reign of Righteousness and Joy?

If so, you have come to the right place. To translate into your language click the red button below.

Painting by Richard W Linford

Heavenly Father lives. Jesus is the Resurrected Living Christ. Thru the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jesus restored His True Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints, built on a foundation of living apostles and prophets. Come and join Christ’s true Church today.

ACCESS a FREE BIBLE, BOOK OF MORMON, DOCTRINE & COVENANTS, PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. Repent and get ready for the Second Coming of Jesus the Resurrected Living Christ, Yeshua, The Holy Messiah who soon will come in power and great glory.

To translate this into your language, click the red button below.


Think Jesus is the Living Christ, Yeshua, the Holy Messiah

To translate this into your language, click the red button below.

Repent and think Jesus is the Living Christ, Yeshua, the Holy Messiah who soon will come in power and glory to cleanse the earth of sin and corruption.

Click on Scriptures to access a FREE digital Bible and FREE digital Book of Mormon at

Come join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today to be spiritually strong and able to cope with the increasing weather, financial, war and social difficulties.

[To translate this into your language, Click the red button below.]

Come to Jesus and join His true Church today.

I invite you to become a member of the “RESTORED” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the true Church of Jesus Christ, with living apostles and prophets, true priesthood authority and true priesthood keys restored by heavenly messengers.

  1. Call 1-801-240-1000 to talk to missionaries;
  2. Contact missionaries at their Come Unto Christ website: Visit
  3. They will teach you the true gospel of Jesus Christ in person, by zoom, by phone, by email, or text. They will teach you about Christ’s True Church and His Second Coming.
  4. They will help you
  5. – pray and repent of your sins,
  6. – read the scriptures – the Holy Bible, the Holy Book of Mormon which is a second witness, a second Bible from peoples who lived in the western hemisphere, a second witness that Jesus is the Resurrected Living Christ, and other scriptures;
  7. – attend Church, be baptized by immersion, be confirmed a member of the Church, and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and fellowship with the Saints.
  8. Watch on YouTube the semi-annual April and October conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during which apostles and prophets and other Church leaders teach the pure gospel and bear testimony of Jesus the Living Christ and the restoration of His divine Church;
  9. Search Google; use the FREE LIBRARY to study in many languages the holy scriptures, the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and talks by living apostles and prophets.
  10. Pray about what you have learned. Pray and ask Heavenly Father if these things are not true. Pray to receive the great gift of Charity, the Pure Love of Christ, without which we are nothing. Ask the missionaries to help you Join the Church today with your family and friends and neighbors.
  11. If you are a leader of a group of spiritual people, a group of wonderful people searching for the true Church of Jesus Christ, testify to them. Bear witness that you have found the “Restored” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; that you want to become or are becoming a faithful member; thereby encourage them to join Christ’s true church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, thereby bring your many followers with you.
  12. Best personal regards, Richard Linford, member

Published by


I work at being a good husband, dad, grandpa, neighbor, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, attorney at law, writer, and artist. My witness to the world is that Jesus is The Christ, The Resurrected Holy Messiah, who will soon come to judge the world and begin his thousand year Millennial Reign of peace. Richard Linford. View all posts by jesusi6_wp 

Hits: 111

Are you searching for Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son – for the true Christmas?

If so, you have come to the right place. To translate into your language click the red button below.

Painting by Richard W Linford

Heavenly Father lives. Jesus is the Resurrected Living Christ. Thru the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jesus restored The Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints. Come Christ’s true Church today.

ACCESS a FREE BIBLE, BOOK OF MORMON, DOCTRINE & COVENANTS, PEARL OF GREAT PRICE. Repent and get ready for the Second Coming of Jesus the Resurrected Living Christ, Yeshua, The Holy Messiah who soon will come in power and great glory.

To translate this into your language, click the red button below.


Think Jesus is the Living Christ, Yeshua, the Holy Messiah

To translate this into your language, click the red button below.

Repent and think Jesus is the Living Christ, Yeshua, the Holy Messiah who soon will come in power and glory to cleanse the earth of sin and corruption.

Click on Scriptures to access a FREE digital Bible and FREE digital Book of Mormon at

Come join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today to be spiritually strong and able to cope with the increasing weather, financial, war and social difficulties.

[To translate this into your language, Click the red button below.]

Come to Jesus and join His true Church today.

I invite you to become a member of the “RESTORED” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the true Church of Jesus Christ, with living apostles and prophets, true priesthood authority and true priesthood keys restored by heavenly messengers.

  1. Call 1-801-240-1000 to talk to missionaries;
  2. Contact missionaries at their Come Unto Christ website: Visit
  3. They will teach you the true gospel of Jesus Christ in person, by zoom, by phone, by email, or text. They will teach you about Christ’s True Church and His Second Coming.
  4. They will help you
  5. – pray and repent of your sins,
  6. – read the scriptures – the Holy Bible, the Holy Book of Mormon which is a second witness, a second Bible from peoples who lived in the western hemisphere, a second witness that Jesus is the Resurrected Living Christ, and other scriptures;
  7. – attend Church, be baptized by immersion, be confirmed a member of the Church, and receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost, and fellowship with the Saints.
  8. Watch on YouTube the semi-annual April and October conferences of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints during which apostles and prophets and other Church leaders teach the pure gospel and bear testimony of Jesus the Living Christ and the restoration of His divine Church;
  9. Search Google; use the FREE LIBRARY to study in many languages the holy scriptures, the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine & Covenants, Pearl of Great Price, and talks by living apostles and prophets.
  10. Pray about what you have learned. Pray and ask Heavenly Father if these things are not true. Pray to receive the great gift of Charity, the Pure Love of Christ, without which we are nothing. Ask the missionaries to help you Join the Church today with your family and friends and neighbors.
  11. If you are a leader of a group of spiritual people, a group of wonderful people searching for the true Church of Jesus Christ, testify to them. Bear witness that you have found the “Restored” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; that you want to become or are becoming a faithful member; thereby encourage them to join Christ’s true church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, thereby bring your many followers with you.
  12. Best personal regards, Richard Linford, member

Published by


I work at being a good husband, dad, grandpa, neighbor, member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, attorney at law, writer, and artist. My witness to the world is that Jesus is The Christ, The Resurrected Holy Messiah, who will soon come to judge the world and begin his thousand year Millennial Reign of peace. Richard Linford. View all posts by jesusi6_wp 

Hits: 130

If you would like our Savior Jesus Christ’s promised peace and eternal life, I invite you to call right now 1-888-537-7700 or 1-800-453-3860 extension 2-4914 or 801-240-4914 in order to visit with the missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You can also reach them via the website

I invite you

  1. to pray to Our Heavenly Father in the name of His Son Jesus Christ,
  2. to accept the following ARTICLES OF FAITH, having FAITH in Heavenly Father and His Beloved Son Jesus Christ,
  3. to REPENT of your sins each day,
  5. to be confirmed a member of THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, the restored Church of Jesus Christ with its living apostles and prophets,
  6. to attend Church each Sunday and partake of the sacrament thus renewing your baptismal and other sacred covenants,
  7. to prepare and to go to the temple to make covenants and receive special blessings including being sealed to your family for eternity,
  8. to endure to the end of your life in striving to be righteous,
  9. better knowing Our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ in order to receive eternal life.
  10. [And p.s. you may also want to read the scriptural account of the Life of Christ found in the book of Matthew and the Book of Mormon which is a second witness that Jesus is the Christ. These scriptures are available in multiple languages and free at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints website.]

And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. John 17:3.

Articles of Faith Repositionable Poster

Hits: 707


  1. Room in the Inn
  2. By Elder Gerrit W. Gong
  3. Of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
  4. In this Easter season, Jesus Christ invites us to become, like Him, a good Samaritan, to make His Inn (His Church) a refuge for all.
  5. Dear brothers and sisters, although he passed away 20 years ago, there are times I miss my father. Easter promises I will see him again.
  6. When I was in graduate school in England, my father came to visit. His father’s heart knew I missed home.
  7. My father loved adventure except in food. Even in France, noted for its cuisine, he would say, “Let’s eat Chinese food.” A long-serving patriarch in the Church, my father was spiritual and compassionate. One night, as emergency vehicles with loud sirens raced through Paris, he said, “Gerrit, those cries are the wounds of a city.”
  8. On that trip, I felt other cries and wounds. A young woman was selling ice cream from a small pushcart. Her wafer cones were just the size for a single scoop of ice cream. For some reason, a large man confronted the young woman. Yelling and pushing, he tipped over her cart, spilling her ice-cream cones. There was nothing I could do as he crushed the cones with his boots. I can still see the young woman on her knees in the street, trying to save broken wafer pieces, tears of anguish streaming down her face. Her image haunts me, a reminder of the unkindness, uncaring, misunderstanding we too often inflict on each other.
  9. On another afternoon, near Paris, my father and I visited the great cathedral at Chartres. Malcolm Miller,1 a world expert on the cathedral, pointed out three sets of Chartres stained-glass windows. He said they tell a story.
  10. The first windows show Adam and Eve leaving the Garden of Eden.
  11. The second recount the parable of the good Samaritan.
  12. The third depict the Lord’s Second Coming.
  13. Taken together, these stained-glass windows can describe our eternal journey. They invite us to welcome all with room in His inn.2
  1. Like Adam and Eve, we come into a world of thorns and thistles.3
  1. On our dusty roads to Jericho, we are beset upon, wounded, and left in pain.4
  2. Though we should help each other, too often we pass to the other side of the road, for whatever reason.
  3. However, with compassion, the Good Samaritan stops and binds our wounds with wine and oil. Symbols of the sacrament and other ordinances, the wine and oil point us to the spiritual healing in Jesus Christ.5 The Good Samaritan puts us on His own donkey or, in some stained-glass accounts, carries us on His shoulders. He brings us to the inn, which can represent His Church. At the Inn, the Good Samaritan says, “Take care of him; … when I come again, I will repay thee.”6 The Good Samaritan, a symbol of our Savior, promises to return, this time in majesty and glory.
  1. In this Easter season, Jesus Christ invites us to become, like Him, a good Samaritan, to make His Inn (His Church) a refuge for all from life’s bruises and storms.7 We prepare for His promised Second Coming as each day we do unto “the least of these”8 as we would unto Him. “The least of these” is each of us.
  2. As we come with the Good Samaritan to the Inn, we learn five things about Jesus Christ and ourselves.
  3. First, we come to the Inn as we are, with the foibles and imperfections we each have. Yet we all have something needed to contribute. Our journey to God is often found together. We belong as united community—whether confronting pandemics, storms, wildfires, droughts or quietly meeting daily needs. We receive inspiration as we counsel together, listening to each person, including each sister, and the Spirit.
  4. As our hearts change and we receive His image in our countenance,9 we see Him and ourselves in His Church. In Him, we find clarity, not dissonance. In Him, we find cause to do good, reason to be good, and increasing capacity to become better. In Him, we discover abiding faith, liberating selflessness, caring change, and trust in God. In His Inn, we find and deepen our personal relationship with God, our Father, and Jesus Christ.
  5. He trusts us to help make the Inn the place He needs it to be. As we offer our talents and best efforts, His spiritual gifts also strengthen and bless.10
  6. A Spanish language interpreter told me, “Elder Gong, I knew by the Spirit what you were going to say so I could translate,” this faithful brother said, “by the gift of tongues.”
  7. Gifts of faith and assurance come, manifest differently in different situations. One dear sister received spiritual comfort as her husband passed away from COVID-19. She said, “I know my dear husband and I will be together again.” In a different COVID situation, another dear sister said, “I felt I should plead with the Lord and the doctors to give my husband just a little more time.”
  8. Second, He entreats us to make His Inn a place of grace and space, where each can gather, with room for all. As disciples of Jesus Christ, all are equal, with no second-class groups.
  9. All are welcome to attend sacrament meetings, other Sunday meetings, and social events.11 We reverently worship our Savior, thoughtful and considerate of each other. We see and acknowledge each person. We smile, sit with those sitting alone, learn names, including of new converts, returning brothers and sisters, young women and young men, each dear Primary child.
  10. Imagining ourselves in their place, we welcome friends, visitors, new move-ins, busy individuals pulled in too many directions. We mourn, rejoice, and are there for each other. When we fall short of our ideals and are rushed, unaware, judgmental, or prejudiced, we seek each other’s forgiveness and do better.
  11. A family from Africa now living in the United States said, “From the first day, Church members were friendly and welcoming. Everyone made us feel at home. No one looked down on us.” The father said, “The Holy Bible teaches gospel fruits come from gospel roots.” “And the missionaries,” the father and mother said, “we want our son and daughter to grow up like those missionaries.” Brothers and sisters, may we each warmly welcome all to His Inn.
  12. Third, in His Inn we learn perfection is in Jesus Christ, not in the perfectionism of the world. Unreal and unrealistic, the world’s “insta-perfect” filtered perfectionism can make us feel inadequate, captive to swipes, likes, or double taps. In contrast, our Savior, Jesus Christ, knows everything about us we don’t want anyone else to know, and He still loves us. His is a gospel of second and third chances, made possible by His atoning sacrifice.12 He invites each of us to be a good Samaritan, less judgmental and more forgiving of ourselves and of each other, even as we strive more fully to keep His commandments.
  13. We help ourselves as we help each other. A family I know lived near a busy road. Travelers often stopped to ask for help. Early one morning the family heard loud pounding on their door. Tired and worried who it would be at 2:00 a.m., they wondered if, just this once, someone else could help. As the insistent knocking continued, they heard, “Fire—there’s a fire in the back of your house!” Good Samaritans help each other.
  14. Fourth, at His Inn we become part of a gospel community centered in Jesus Christ, anchored in restored truth, living prophets and apostles, and another testament of Jesus Christ—the Book of Mormon. He brings us to His Inn and also to His house—the holy temple. The house of the Lord is a place where, as with the wounded man on the road to Jericho, the Good Samaritan can cleanse and clothe us, prepare us to return to God’s presence, and unite us eternally in God’s family. His temples are open to all who live His gospel with faith and obedience.
  15. Temple rejoicing includes gospel unity amidst diverse heritages, cultures, languages, and generations. At the groundbreaking for the Taylorsville Utah Temple, 17-year-old Max Harker shared a legacy of family faith begun six generations earlier by his great-great-great-grandfather Joseph Harker and his wife, Susannah Sneath. In the restored gospel of Jesus Christ, we can each become a strong link in our family generations.
  16. Finally, fifth, we rejoice that God loves His children in our different backgrounds and circumstances, in every nation, kindred, and tongue, with room for all in His Inn.
  17. Over the past 40 years, Church members have become increasingly international. Since 1998, more Church members have lived outside than inside the United States and Canada. By 2025, we anticipate as many Church members may live in Latin America as in the United States and Canada. The gathering of Father Lehi’s faithful descendants is fulfilling prophecy. Faithful Saints, including in the pioneer corridor, remain a reservoir of devotion and service for the worldwide Church.
  18. Also, the majority of adult Church members are now unmarried, widowed, or divorced. This is a significant change. It includes more than half our Relief Society sisters and more than half our adult priesthood brothers. This demographic pattern has been the case in the worldwide Church since 1992 and in the Church in the United States and Canada since 2019.
  19. Our standing before the Lord and in His Church is not a matter of our marital status but of our becoming faithful and valiant disciples of Jesus Christ.13 Adults want to be seen as adults and to be responsible and contribute as adults. Disciples of Jesus Christ come from everywhere, in every shape, size, hue, and age, each with talents, righteous desires, and immense capacities to bless and serve. We seek daily to follow Jesus Christ with faith unto repentance14 and enduring joy.
  20. During this life, we sometimes wait upon the Lord. We may not yet be where we hope and wish to be in the future. A devout sister says, “Waiting faithfully upon the Lord for His blessings is a holy position. It must not be met with pity, patronizing, or judgment but instead with sacred honor.”15 In the meantime, we live now, not waiting for life to begin.
  21. Isaiah promises, “They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”16
  22. Our Good Samaritan promises to return. Miracles occur when we care for each other as He would. When we come with broken hearts and contrite spirits,17 we can find voice in Jesus Christ and be encircled in His understanding arms of safety.18 Sacred ordinances offer covenant belonging and “the power of godliness”19 to sanctify inner intent and outward action. With His loving-kindness and long-suffering, His Church becomes our Inn.
  23. As we create room in His Inn, welcoming all, our Good Samaritan can heal us on our dusty mortal roads. With perfect love, our Father and His Son, Jesus Christ, promise “peace in this world, and eternal life in the world to come”20—“that where I am ye shall be also.”21 I so gratefully witness and testify in the sacred and holy name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Hits: 2769

Will you have bread and water and heat and light and funds during the next emergency or disaster? Now is the time to prepare to protect yourself and your family keeping in mind that Jesus Christ is the Bread and Water of Life.

  1. There Was Bread
  2. By Bishop W. Christopher Waddell
  3. First Counselor in the Presiding Bishopric
  4. As we seek to become temporally prepared, we can face the trials of life with increased confidence.
  5. Prior to travel restrictions caused by the current pandemic, I was returning home from an international assignment which, due to scheduling issues, created a Sunday layover. I had time between flights to attend a local sacrament meeting, where I was also able to share a brief message. Following the meeting, an enthusiastic deacon approached me and asked if I knew President Nelson and if I had ever had a chance to shake his hand. I answered that I did know him, that I had shaken his hand, and that, as a member of the Presiding Bishopric, I had the opportunity to meet with President Nelson and his counselors a couple of times each week. The young deacon then sat down on a chair, threw his hands in the air, and shouted, “This is the greatest day of my life!” Brothers and sisters, I may not throw my hands in the air and shout, but I am eternally grateful for a living prophet and for the direction we receive from prophets, seers, and revelators, especially during these times of challenge.
  6. From the beginning of time, the Lord has provided direction to help His people prepare spiritually and temporally against the calamities and trials that He knows will come as part of this mortal experience.
  7. These calamities may be personal or general in nature, but the Lord’s guidance will provide protection and support to the extent that we heed and act upon His counsel.
  8. A wonderful example is provided in an account from the book of Genesis, where we learn of Joseph in Egypt and his inspired interpretation of Pharaoh’s dream.
  9. “And Joseph said unto Pharaoh, … God hath shewed Pharaoh what he is about to do. …
  10. “Behold, there come seven years of great plenty throughout all the land of Egypt:
  11. “And there shall arise after them seven years of famine; and all the plenty shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt.”1
  12. Pharaoh listened to Joseph, responded to what God had showed him in a dream, and immediately set about preparing for what was to come. The scriptures then record:
  13. “And in the seven plenteous years the earth brought forth by handfuls.
  14. “And he gathered up all the food of the seven years. …
  15. “And Joseph gathered corn as the sand of the sea, … until he left numbering; for it was without number.”2
  16. Once the seven years of plenty had passed, we are told that “seven years of dearth began to come, according as Joseph had said: and the dearth was in all lands; but in all the land of Egypt there was bread.”3
  17. Today we are blessed to be led by prophets who understand the need for us to prepare against the calamities “which should come”4 and who also recognize the limitations or restrictions that we may encounter in striving to follow their counsel.
  18. There is a clear understanding that the effects of COVID-19, as well as devastating natural disasters, are no respecter of persons and cross ethnic, social, and religious boundaries on every continent.
  19. Jobs have been lost and incomes reduced as the opportunity to work has been affected by layoffs and the ability to work has been impacted by health and legal challenges.
  20. To all who have been affected, we express understanding and concern for your situation, as well as a firm conviction that better days are ahead.
  21. You have been blessed with bishops and branch presidents who seek out members of their congregations with temporal needs and who have access to tools and resources that can help you reestablish your lives and place you on the path to self-reliance as you apply principles of preparedness.
  22. In today’s environment, with a pandemic that has devastated whole economies as well as individual lives, it would be inconsistent with a compassionate Savior to ignore the reality that many are struggling and ask them to begin building a reserve of food and money for the future.
  23. However, that does not mean that we should permanently ignore principles of preparation—only that these principles should be applied “in wisdom and order”5 so that in the future we might say, as did Joseph in Egypt, “There was bread.”6
  24. The Lord does not expect us to do more than we can do, but He does expect us to do what we can do, when we can do it.
  25. As President Nelson reminded us in our last general conference, “The Lord loves effort.”7
  26. Church leaders have often encouraged Latter-day Saints “to prepare for adversity in life by having a basic supply of food and water and some money in savings.”8 
  27. At the same time, we are encouraged to “be wise” and “not go to extremes”9 in our efforts to establish a home storage supply and a financial reserve.
  28. A resource entitled Personal Finances for Self-Reliance, published in 2017 and currently available on the Church website in 36 languages, begins with a message from the First Presidency, which states:
  29. “The Lord has declared, ‘It is my purpose to provide for my saints’ [Doctrine and Covenants 104:15].
  30. This revelation is a promise from the Lord that He will provide temporal blessings and open the door of self-reliance. …
  31. “… Accepting and living these principles will better enable you to receive the temporal blessings promised by the Lord.
  32. “We invite you to diligently study and apply these principles and teach them to your family members.
  33. As you do so, your life will be blessed … [because] you are a child of our Father in Heaven.
  34. He loves you and will never forsake you.
  35. He knows you and is ready to extend to you the spiritual and temporal blessings of self-reliance.”10
  36. This resource includes chapters devoted to
  37. creating and living within a budget,
  38. protecting your family against hardship,
  39. managing a financial crisis,
  40. investing for the future,
  41. and many more and is available for everyone on the Church website or through your local leaders.
  42. When considering the principle of preparedness, we can look back to Joseph in Egypt for inspiration.
  43. Knowing what would happen would not have been sufficient to carry them through the “lean” years without a degree of sacrifice during the years of abundance.
  44. Rather than consume all that Pharaoh’s subjects could produce, limits were established and followed, providing sufficient for their immediate, as well as their future, needs.
  45. It was not enough to know that challenging times would come.
  46. They had to act, and because of their effort, “there was bread.”11
  47. This leads to an important question: “Therefore, what?”
  48. A good place to begin is to understand that all things are spiritual to the Lord, “and not at any time” has He given us “a law which was temporal.”12 
  49. Everything, then, points to Jesus Christ as the foundation upon which we must build even our temporal preparedness.
  50. Being temporally prepared and self-reliant means “believing that through the grace, or enabling power, of Jesus Christ and our own effort, we are able to obtain all the spiritual and temporal necessities of life we require for ourselves and our families.”13
  51. Additional aspects of a spiritual foundation for temporal preparedness include acting “in wisdom and order,”14 which implies a gradual buildup of food storage and savings over time, as well as embracing “small and simple” means,15 which is a demonstration of faith that the Lord will magnify our small but consistent efforts.
  52. With a spiritual foundation in place,
  53. we can then successfully apply two important elements of temporal preparedness—
  54. managing finances
  55. and home storage.
  56. Key principles to manage your finances include
  57. the payment of tithes and offerings,
  58. eliminating and avoiding debt,
  59. preparing and living within a budget,
  60. and saving for the future.
  61. Key home storage principles include
  62. the storage of food,
  63. the storage of water,
  64. and the storage of other necessities based on individual and family needs,
  65. all because “the best storehouse”16 is the home,
  66. which becomes the “most accessible reserve in times of need.”17
  67. As we embrace spiritual principles and seek inspiration from the Lord, we will be guided to know the Lord’s will for us, individually and as families, and how best to apply the important principles of temporal preparedness.
  68. The most important step of all is to begin.
  69. Elder David A. Bednar taught this principle when he said:
  70. “Taking action is the exercise of faith. 
  71. … True faith is focused in and on the Lord Jesus Christ
  72. and always leads to action.”18
  73. Brothers and sisters, in an ever-changing world,
  74. we must prepare for uncertainties.
  75. Even with better days ahead,
  76. we know that the temporal peaks and valleys of mortality will continue.
  77. As we seek to become temporally prepared,
  78. we can face the trials of life
  79. with increased confidence,
  80. peace in our hearts,
  81. and like Joseph in Egypt, we will be able to say, even in stressful circumstances, “There was bread.”19 
  82. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
  1. Set of Preparation Questions for your consideration? Use these questions to audit your own situation and then build your own list of things to do so you and your family are prepared.
    1. The Principle: D&C 38:30? If ye are prepared, ye shall not _ _ _ _?
    1. The Principle: Conduct your own periodic audit and make preparedness adjustments accordingly.
    1. Disasters? Accident? Roadside assistance? AAA? Towing?
    1. Disasters? Active Shooter?
    1. Disasters? Assault? Battery?
    1. Disasters? Civic unrest?
    1. Disasters? Crime? Theft? Burglary?
    1. Disasters? Drought?
    1. Disasters? Earthquake?
    1. Disasters? Fires? Wildfires? Home fires? Business fires?
    1. Disasters? Flood? Landslide? Mudslide? Volcanic?
    1. Disasters? Hazmat?
    1. Disasters? Hurricane? Tornado?
    1. Disasters? Insect or snake or animal invasion?
    1. Disasters? Job loss? Income loss?
    1. Disasters? Pandemic?
    1. Disasters? Poison?
    1. Disasters? Power outage? Water or Food supply shortage?
    1. Disasters Prevention?
    1. Disasters Preparation?
    1. Disasters Response?
    1. Disasters Rehabilitation?
    1. Disasters? Severe Illness?
    1. Disasters? Snow? Ice? Wind storm?
    1. Animals?
    1. Anxiety? Fear? Paralysis? Inaction?
    1. Backpacks?
    1. Bedding?
    1. Bedding sleeping bags? Cots?
    1. Buy and sell limitations? Ability to Trade? Silver coins? Food? Other items?
    1. Camping?
    1. Camping equipment and supplies?
    1. Church contacts and Church action plan?
    1. Church? Temple?
    1. Clean up?
    1. Cleaning supplies?
    1. Clothing? Shoes? Socks? Undergarments? Coats? Sweaters? Ponchos?
    1. Communication cell phones?
    1. Communication internet?
    1. Communication radio and television?
    1. Communication ham radio?
    1. Community contacts and action plan? First Responders – Police – Fire – Poison Control?
    1. Cooking?
    1. Cooking recipes?
    1. Cooking equipment?
    1. Cooking pots, pans, utensils?
    1. Cooperation?
    1. Finances Debt elimination?
    1. Finances Investments?
    1. Finances Savings?
    1. Finances Some Cash on hand?
    1. Documents and photos and records and any coins or jewelry or art or precious items? Will? Trust?
    1. Electricity EMT?
    1. Electricity power outage?
    1. Emotional response?
    1. Equipment? Computers? Backup physical? Backup cloud?
    1. Family contact plan calling tree?
    1. Family preparation plan? Death? Funeral? Burial?
    1. Fire and Flood audit?
    1. Fire drills?
    1. Fire evacuation?
    1. Fire extinguishers?
    1. First Aid? Materials? Supplies?
    1. First Aid? Training? Practice?
    1. First Aid? Medical and Dental providers?
    1. First Responders? Police? Fire? Poison control?
    1. Follow evacuation directives?
    1. Follow FEMA directives?
    1. Follow local leaders?
    1. Food? Cooking?
    1. Food? MREs?
    1. Food? perishables?
    1. Food? preparation? Cooking?
    1. Food? Types?
    1. Food storage?
    1. Food storage? Grain? Wheat? Rice? Pasta? Flour?
    1. Garbage?
    1. Garbage? Human waste disposal?
    1. Garden? Vegetables? Berry bushes? Fruit trees?
    1. Garden greenhouse?
    1. Garden fertilizer?
    1. Garden seeds? Plant Perrennials vs Annuals?
    1. Garden sprays?
    1. Garden squarefoot? Container? Vertical?
    1. Garden tools?
    1. Garden water? Fertilizer? Potting soil?
    1. Heat?
    1. Heat? Fuel? Wood? Propane?
    1. Heat? Fuel? Misuse and Danger?
    1. Heat? Standby generator?
    1. Heat? Generator?
    1. Law and order?
    1. Legal Will and Trust? Deeds? Insurance? Various kinds?
    1. Light?
    1. Materials? Maintenance?
    1. Materials? Building?
    1. Materials? Tarps – plastic – other?
    1. Materials? Tools?
    1. Medical help? Dental help?
    1. Medicine?
    1. Mold? Water damage?
    1. Muck out?
    1. Neighbors? List? Contact? Help plan?
    1. News? Equipment? Sources?
    1. Pandemic? Masks? Social Distancing? Vaccinations?
    1. Phone Numbers and addresses? Keys? Computer passwords?
    1. Prayer? Faith?
    1. Response to accident?
    1. Response to active shooter?
    1. Response to civil unrest?
    1. Response to earthquake?
    1. Response to fire?
    1. Response to flood?
    1. Response to pandemic?
    1. Response to rain, snow, wind?
    1. Response to sickness?
    1. Sanitation?
    1. Sanitation toilet paper?
    1. Sanitation waste disposal?
    1. Schooling?
    1. Search and rescue?
    1. Security? Animals?
    1. Security? Babies? Children?
    1. Security? Data?
    1. Security? Personal? Family? Weapons?
    1. Security? Neighbors?
    1. Security? Those with special needs?
    1. Security? Wife? Husband?
    1. Security? Women in general?
    1. Security? Yourself?
    1. Shelter? Above ground?
    1. Shelter? Underground?
    1. Shelter car?
    1. Shelter tent?
    1. Shelter with family?
    1. Special needs?
    1. Special needs babies and young children?
    1. Special needs elderly?
    1. Special needs sick?
    1. Tools? Equipment? Chain saw?
    1. Transportation? Cars? Bicycles? Motorcycles?
    1. Vermin? Flies, rats, mice?
    1. Water?
    1. Water heater?
    1. Water purification?
    1. Water storage?
    1. Water swimming pool? Stream?

Hits: 4819

If you are stressed about the political or financial situation, keep in mind that Jesus is the Living Christ who is the light and the life and the peace of the world. I personally invite you to join THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS, THE RESTORED TRUE CHURCH OF JESUS ONCE MORE WITH LIVING PROPHETS AND APOSTLES. Richard Linford.

(P.S. You can contact me if you want to at and I will help you meet with a pair of wonderful missionaries and attend Church and learn about Jesus.
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He is your Resurrection and Eternal Life.
“And this is life eternal, that they may know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” (John 17:3)
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And if Missionaries meet with you in person, most of these missionaries are young people ages 18 or 19 or close, they come bearing gifts!
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Regarding the subject of the Resurrection – here are scriptures for your consideration.
he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up, 1 Sam. 2:6.
If a man die, shall he live again, Job 14:14.
destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God, Job 19:26 (Moses 5:10).
swallow up death in victory, Isa. 25:8.
together with my dead body shall they ariseIsa. 26:19.
I will open your graves, and cause you to come up, Ezek. 37:12.
sleep in the dust of the earth shall awakeDan. 12:2.
ransom them from the power of the graveHosea 13:14.
Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrectionMatt. 22:23 (Mark 12:18Luke 20:27Acts 23:8).
graves were opened; and many bodies … aroseMatt. 27:52 (3 Ne. 23:9).
as touching the dead, that they riseMark 12:26.
thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrectionLuke 14:14.
spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have, Luke 24:39.
Father raiseth up the dead, and quickeneth them, John 5:21 (Rom. 4:171 Tim. 6:13).
come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life, John 5:29 (D&C 76:17).
raise him up at the last day, John 6:54.
I am the resurrection, and the life, John 11:25.
Whom God hath raised up, having loosed the pains, Acts 2:24.
apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord, Acts 4:33.
they heard of the resurrection of the dead, Acts 17:32.
resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust, Acts 24:15.
Why … incredible … that God should raise the dead, Acts 26:8.
we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrectionRom. 6:5.
he … shall also quicken your mortal bodies, Rom. 8:11.
God … will also raise up us by his own power, 1 Cor. 6:14.
by man came also the resurrection of the dead, 1 Cor. 15:21.
Christ the firstfruits1 Cor. 15:23.
So also is the resurrection of the dead, 1 Cor. 15:42.
it is raised a spiritual body, 1 Cor. 15:44 (D&C 88:27).
trust … in God which raiseth the dead, 2 Cor. 1:9.
quickened us together with Christ, Eph. 2:5.
change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his, Philip. 3:21.
you … hath he quickened together with him, Col. 2:13.
dead in Christ shall rise first, 1 Thes. 4:16.
erred, saying that the resurrection is past, 2 Tim. 2:18.
that they might obtain a better resurrectionHeb. 11:35.
unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus, 1 Pet. 1:3.
doth also now save us … by the resurrection of Jesus, 1 Pet. 3:21.
when he shall appear, we shall be like him, 1 Jn. 3:2.
Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrectionRev. 20:6.
after he had been slain he should rise from the dead1 Ne. 10:11.
that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, 2 Ne. 2:8 (Alma 33:2240:3Hel. 14:15Morm. 7:6D&C 88:14).
bodies and the spirits of men will be restored2 Ne. 9:12.
obtain a resurrection, according to the power, Jacob 4:11.
they are the first resurrectionMosiah 15:22.
there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, Mosiah 16:8.
day cometh that all shall rise from the dead, Alma 11:41.
body is raised … the whole becoming spiritual, Alma 11:45.
all things shall be restored to their proper order, Alma 41:4.
many saints who should arise from the dead, 3 Ne. 23:9.
death of Christ bringeth to pass the resurrectionMorm. 9:13.
my spirit and body shall again reuniteMoro. 10:34.
then shall all the dead awakeD&C 29:26.
he might be raised in immortality unto eternal life, D&C 29:43.
shall be changed in the twinkling of an eye, D&C 43:32 (101:31).
they that knew no law shall have part in the first resurrectionD&C 45:54.
rise from the dead and shall not die after, D&C 63:49.
have slept in their graves shall come forth, D&C 88:97.
spirit and element, inseparably connectedD&C 93:33.
Angels, who are resurrected personages, having bodies of flesh and bones, D&C 129:1.
intelligence … will rise with us in the resurrectionD&C 130:18.
graves of the saints shall be openedD&C 133:56.
departed the mortal life, firm in the hope of a glorious resurrectionD&C 138:14.
dry bones, which were to be clothed upon with flesh, D&C 138:43.
bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man, Moses 1:39.
See also Deut. 32:39Ps. 16:917:15Matt. 25:46Heb. 6:2Rev. 20:12D&C 43:18.

Hits: 318

The Resurrected Perfect Jesus Christ is Able to Save and Exalt you. Come to Jesus and join his “restored thru the Prophet Joseph Smith” true Church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Jesus is the Christ, Yeshua, The Holy Messiah who soon will come in power and great glory.


  1. Christ is “Able … to save [us] to the uttermost [if we] come unto [God the Father] by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for [us].” (Hebrews 7:25)  He is “Able to do all things according to his will, for [us], if it so be that [we] exercise faith in him …”.  (1 Nephi 7:12) “For in that he himself hath suffered being tempted, he is Able to succour [we who] are tempted.” (Hebrews 2:18)
  2. “Our God [Jehovah] whom we serve is Able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace” and from the lions. (Daniel 3:17; 3; 6) As he has “promised, he [is] Able also to perform.”  (Romans 4:21)
  3. Our “God is Able to make all grace abound toward [us].” (2 Corinthians 9:8) Jesus Christ “is Able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”(Ephesians 3:20, 21)
  4. “For our conversation is in heaven; from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is Able even to subdue all things unto himself.” (Philippians 3:20-21)  
  5. He is “the Lord [who] is Able to do all things according to his will, for the children of men, if it so be that they exercise faith in him.  Wherefore, let us be faithful to him.” (1 Nephi 7:12)
  6. For He said: “I am Able to do mine own work.” (2 Nephi 27:20)   Indeed, He “is Able to keep [us] from falling, and to present [us] faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy. To the only wise God our Saviour, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen.” (Jude 1:24-25) Through our repentance, he is Able to lift us up when we fall. 
  7. “Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is Able to save your souls” (James 1:21) both temporally and spiritually.
  8. The Father and The Holy Ghost are also Able.
  9. THINK JESUS CHRIST IS YESHUA, THE HOLY MESSIAH. THINK JESUS CHRIST’S SECOND COMING IS SOON. THINK JESUS CHRIST’S TRUE CHURCH IS RESTORED THRU THE PROPHET JOSEPH SMITH AND OTHER HOLY PROPHETS AND APOSTLES.[To translate this into your language. Click the red button below.] Come join The “Restored” Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints today to be spiritually strong and able to cope with the increasing weather, financial, war, crime, and other social difficulties. [READ/STUDY a FREE digital Bible and a FREE digital Book of Mormon and other holy scripture at Again, to translate this into your language. Click the red button below.] Come to Jesus and join His true Church today. I invite you to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the true Church. See

Hits: 147

Jesus is the Resurrected Christ who soon will come. He is peace and comfort and good cheer during Covid. Repent and prepare for his Second Coming.

  1. Remarks: Be of Good Cheer
  2. By President Dallin H. Oaks
  3. First Counselor in the First Presidency
  4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, headquarters Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

Click here for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir “Let Us All Press On” music

If you want to talk to the missionaries, to get in touch and make an appointment and reach missionaries for a phone call or online face to face call 1-801-240-1000 or check out toll free numbers depending on where you are in the world at this internet link:

  1. Our unshakable faith in the doctrine of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ guides our steps and gives us joy.
  2. In the final days of His mortal life, Jesus Christ told His Apostles of the persecutions and hardships they would suffer.1 
  3. He concluded with this great assurance: “In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).
  4. That is the Savior’s message to all of our Heavenly Father’s children.
  5. That is the ultimate good news for each of us in our mortal lives.
  6. “Be of good cheer” was also a needed assurance in the world into which the resurrected Christ sent His Apostles.
  7. “We are troubled on every side,” the Apostle Paul later told the Corinthians, “yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:8–9).
  8. Two thousand years later we are also “troubled on every side,” and we also need that same message not to despair but to be of good cheer.
  9. The Lord has special love and concern for His precious daughters.
  10. He knows of your wants, your needs, and your fears.
  11. The Lord is all powerful. Trust Him.
  12. The Prophet Joseph Smith was taught that “the works, and the designs, and the purposes of God cannot be frustrated, neither can they come to naught” (Doctrine and Covenants 3:1).
  13. To His struggling children, the Lord gave these great assurances:
  14. “Behold, this is the promise of the Lord unto you, O ye my servants.
  15. “Wherefore, be of good cheer, and do not fear, for I the Lord am with you, and will stand by you; and ye shall bear record of me, even Jesus Christ, that I am the Son of the living God” (Doctrine and Covenants 68:5–6).
  16. The Lord stands near us, and He has said:
  17. “What I say unto one I say unto all, be of good cheer, little children; for I am in your midst, and I have not forsaken you” (Doctrine and Covenants 61:36).
  18. “For after much tribulation come the blessings” (Doctrine and Covenants 58:4).
  19. Sisters, I testify that these promises, given in the midst of persecutions and personal tragedies, apply to each of you in your troubling circumstances today.
  20. They are precious and remind each of us to be of good cheer and to have joy in the fulness of the gospel as we press forward through the challenges of mortality.
  21. Tribulation and challenges are the common experiences of mortality.
  22. Opposition is an essential part of the divine plan for helping us grow,2 and in the midst of that process, we have God’s assurance that, in the long view of eternity, opposition will not be allowed to overcome us.
  23. With His help and our faithfulness and endurance, we will prevail.
  24. Like the mortal life of which they are a part, all tribulations are temporary. In the controversies that preceded a disastrous war, United States president Abraham Lincoln wisely reminded his audience of the ancient wisdom that “this, too, shall pass away.”3
  25. As you know, the mortal adversities of which I speak—which make it difficult to be of good cheer—sometimes come to us in common with many others, like the millions now struggling through some of the many devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  26. Similarly, in the United States millions are suffering through a season of enmity and contention that always seems to accompany presidential elections but this time is the most severe many of the oldest of us can ever remember.
  27. On a personal basis, each of us struggles individually with some of the many adversities of mortality, such as poverty, racism, ill health, job losses or disappointments, wayward children, bad marriages or no marriages, and the effects of sin—our own or others’.
  28. Yet, in the midst of all of this, we have that heavenly counsel to be of good cheer and to find joy in the principles and promises of the gospel and the fruits of our labors.4 
  29. That counsel has always been so, for prophets and for all of us.
  30. We know this from the experiences of our predecessors and what the Lord said to them.
  31. Remember the circumstances of the Prophet Joseph Smith.
  32. Looked at through the lens of adversities, his life was one of poverty, persecution, frustration, family sorrows, and ultimate martyrdom.
  33. As he suffered imprisonment, his wife and children and the other Saints suffered incredible hardships as they were driven out of Missouri.
  34. When Joseph pleaded for relief, the Lord answered:
  35. “My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment;
  36. “And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes” (Doctrine and Covenants 121:7–8).
  37. This was the personal, eternal counsel that helped the Prophet Joseph to maintain his native cheery temperament and the love and loyalty of his people.
  38. These same qualities strengthened the leaders and pioneers who followed and can strengthen you as well.
  39. Think of those early members!
  40. Again and again, they were driven from place to place.
  41. Finally they faced the challenges of establishing their homes and the Church in a wilderness.5 
  42. Two years after the initial band of pioneers arrived in the valley of the Great Salt Lake, the pioneers’ grip on survival in that hostile area was still precarious.
  43. Most members were still on the trail across the plains or struggling to get resources to do so.
  44. Yet leaders and members were still of hope and good cheer.
  45. Even though the Saints were not settled in their new homes, at October 1849 general conference a new wave of missionaries was sent out to Scandinavia, France, Germany, Italy, and the South Pacific.6 
  46. At what could have been thought their lowest level, the pioneers rose to new heights.
  47. And just three years later, another 98 were also called to begin to gather scattered Israel.
  48. One of the Church leaders explained that these missions “are generally, not to be very long ones; probably from 3 to 7 years will be as long as any man will be absent from his family.”7
  49. Sisters, the First Presidency is concerned about your challenges.
  50. We love you and pray for you.
  51. At the same time, we often give thanks that our physical challenges—apart from earthquakes, fires, floods, and hurricanes—are usually less than our predecessors faced.
  52. In the midst of hardships, the divine assurance is always “be of good cheer, for I will lead you along.
  53. The kingdom is yours and the blessings thereof are yours, and the riches of eternity are yours” (Doctrine and Covenants 78:18).
  54. How does this happen?
  55. How did it happen for the pioneers?
  56. How will it happen to women of God today?
  57. By our following prophetic guidance, “the gates of hell shall not prevail against [us],” the Lord said by revelation in April 1830.
  58. “Yea,” He said, “… the Lord God will disperse the powers of darkness from before you, and cause the heavens to shake for your good, and his name’s glory” (Doctrine and Covenants 21:6).
  59. “Fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail” (Doctrine and Covenants 6:34).
  60. With the Lord’s promises, we “lift up [our] heart[s] and rejoice” (Doctrine and Covenants 25:13), and “with a glad heart and a cheerful countenance” (Doctrine and Covenants 59:15), we go forward on the covenant path.
  61. Most of us do not face decisions of giant proportions, like leaving our homes to pioneer an unknown land.
  62. Our decisions are mostly in the daily routines of life,
  63. but as the Lord has told us, “Be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great” (Doctrine and Covenants 64:33).
  64. There is boundless power in the doctrine of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ.
  65. Our unshakable faith in that doctrine guides our steps and gives us joy.
  66. It enlightens our minds and gives strength and confidence to our actions.
  67. This guidance and enlightenment and power are promised gifts we have received from our Heavenly Father.
  68. By understanding and conforming our lives to that doctrine, including the divine gift of repentance, we can be of good cheer as we keep ourselves on the path toward our eternal destiny—reunion and exaltation with our loving heavenly parents.
  69. “You may be facing overwhelming challenges,” Elder Richard G. Scott taught.
  70. “Sometimes they are so concentrated, so unrelenting, that you may feel they are beyond your capacity to control.
  71. Don’t face the world alone.
  72. ‘Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding’ [Proverbs 3:5].
  73. … It was intended that life be a challenge, not so that you would fail, but that you might succeed through overcoming.”8
  74. It is all part of the plan of God the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ,
  75. of which I testify,
  76. as I pray that we will all persist
  77. to our heavenly destination,
  78. in the name of Jesus Christ,
  79. amen.

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